Choosing A Safe Location For Building

   When it comes to things such as nuclear war and HEMP weapons, choosing a location to build an off grid or bug out home location with a shelter is a matter of some wisdom. First of all the further away the location is from prime targeted cities, which means those cities likely to be hit with a nuclear weapon as a strategic use of expensive weapons, the better both in terms of conventional nuclear weapons and HEMP blast. Since fallout can travel some distance in the upper atmosphere, no place is ideally safe however the further away from ground zero the better in that the amount of fallout becomes less dense with distance.

   A Realtor.Com article “The Best and Worst Cities in America to Survive the Apocalypse” provides the following:

   “Surviving a disaster will often have more to do with where you are than with any other factor,” says Richard Duarte, a Miami-based personal injury attorney and author of the book “Surviving Doomsday.” “Finding yourself in a highly populated urban center, competing with violent crowds for dwindling resources, will usually not end well. If the scarcity doesn’t get you, the resulting chaos certainly will.”

   “On the other hand, being in a low-density rural location, with more abundant natural resources, and far fewer mouths to feed, will dramatically increase your chances of surviving the crisis,” he says.”

   Another thing of concern is the location of nuclear power plants which can go down and then meltdown in the event of a nuclear war. If you know the location of such plants around the nation, and the yearly wind currents in terms of the direction the wind carries throughout the seasons you can locate your safe place in an area where airborne nuclear contaminants from power plants will be minimal.  Using the featured map above, which you can expand by clicking here.  Shows you where the commissioned and decommissioned nuclear power plants are inside the USA, where each circle represents a 200 mile radius around each power plant.  On the east side of the USA about the only safe space to be in between power plants is Kentucky, however on the west space we see allot of open space far from such plants.

   On the east side Kentucky is an ideal place to resort to because of the resources and lower density population in the mountains.  However without some reasonable EMP protections added to our nation’s power grid, the matter of whether or not all of the nuclear power plants in the surrounding states will be able to survive and not melt down is questionable at this moment in time.  Hence only people with some amount of wealth able to build some extensive shelters with renewable energy systems and air filtration would be able to survive in this part of the USA after an apocalyptic disaster scenario.  Yet this state would be the safer place on the east side of the states to be in a nuclear war scenario.

   If you are willing to move out west then your chances of being in much safer zones with respect to power plant meltdowns is possible, however not knowing if or when the caldera at Yellowstone will blow is another matter altogether.  The matter of the location one may want to resort to is a matter of research of the region as well as researching the kinds of shelter and equipment people would need to survive through and after a nuclear war.  And it is likewise a matter of money, in Kentucky you can build for $100 a square foot which is something you can not do in the northern states particularly in New York.