Nuclear Chemist Publishes Groundbreaking Paper With Details About: “Aluminum Poisoning Of Humanity Via Geoengineering”

  Within the past couple of years alone, the concept of geoengineering has sparked a growing interest (which seems to be accelerating at a rapid rate) within the academic world. It’s also ignited a heavy interest in policy making, which is no surprise given the fact that we are talking about “geoengineering” the entire global … Continue reading Nuclear Chemist Publishes Groundbreaking Paper With Details About: “Aluminum Poisoning Of Humanity Via Geoengineering”

Dire Warning Issued By Putin: “Something Catastrophic Is Coming…” By Lisa Haven   If truth be told there is a much bigger and more sinister agenda taking place, and one that distorts the very framework of the American Founders, but more so, it has been put in place by key players in the Global Elitist Cartel — which has been taking place for decades. … Continue reading Dire Warning Issued By Putin: “Something Catastrophic Is Coming…”

Chernobyl on HBO: What’s the Real Story? What’s True?

   Chernobyl, the new HBO miniseries, is riveting a lot of people with its human stories amidst nuclear disaster and the coldness of the responding Soviet government apparatus.    As almost everyone knows, Chernobyl was a real-life nuclear power plant in Ukraine, during the era of the old Soviet Union. Its reactor exploded in 1986, killing dozens … Continue reading Chernobyl on HBO: What’s the Real Story? What’s True?

What Is Causing Extremely Bizarre Weather Patterns To Hammer The Middle Of The U.S. Over And Over Again?

   The middle of the country has never seen anything quite like this. As 2019 began, the central portion of the nation was relentlessly hammered by bitter cold and massive snow storms, and many were hoping for better things once spring arrived. But then in March the flooding began, and it hasn’t stopped since. In … Continue reading What Is Causing Extremely Bizarre Weather Patterns To Hammer The Middle Of The U.S. Over And Over Again?