Learning From COVID 19


   It is March 27, 2020, and this nation as well as the entire world has come to a stand still, modern civilization has come to a halt.  Our hope at this present moment in time is that this does not last long and that we do not have a relapse with this contagion known … Continue reading Learning From COVID 19

Surviving EMP / Nuclear Events


   Surviving an EMP / nuclear event or events requires knowing what to expect. It could be that two EMP events occur such that within days of the first event there is another. Also, it is unlikely that anyone would want to waste extremely expensive atomic bombs on some little rural region of the nation … Continue reading Surviving EMP / Nuclear Events

New Artificial Photosynthesis Breakthrough Uses Gold to Turn CO2 Into Liquid Fuel

   Scientists have developed a new way of achieving artificial photosynthesis, producing high-energy hydrocarbons by leveraging electron-rich gold nanoparticles as a catalyst.    In photosynthesis, plants convert energy from sunlight into glucose by rearranging molecules of water and carbon dioxide. The new process mimics this natural ability via chemical manipulations that create liquid fuel, without requiring chlorophyll. … Continue reading New Artificial Photosynthesis Breakthrough Uses Gold to Turn CO2 Into Liquid Fuel

Why is Finland building an underground city?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFFhejGOTiM ABC News (Australia) Published on July 20, 2018    While the threat from neighbors Russia prompted Finland to begin constructing a huge network of underground facilities in the 1950s, the work continues to this day — a series of 400 separate facilities and tunnels that stretches beneath the Finnish capital of Helsinki. B ut why … Continue reading Why is Finland building an underground city?